Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Birther Opinion

This is just my opinion, in response to the article on, “birther buffoonery”.

In this article you have those with nothing better to do than to set around and contemplate about the nativity of the President: Those same groups of small minded individuals, who most likely, come from an ancestry of bigotry and oppression, who still believe that the color of their skin gives them the right to be held as a majority over those of darker skin.

Let’s face it America, bigotry is still alive and kicking, it just go under fancier terms. There are too many other problems that our nation has to face every day, within and beyond its borders that should be addressed, instead of trying to break down the nativity of an elected leader because one is appalled by the color of the elected skin tone.

Before this article, I had no idea what a birther was or what the whole birtherism movement was in regard to. Now that I do know, I find the entire made-up, so call justification requirements of an individual’s nomination into an electoral presidential office laughable.

Not to step on anyone toes, but in my opinion there will only be two races of natural born Americans: Those that were already here, “the Native Americans”, when the first settler set foot upon these shores, and the “slaves” in which were brought to these shores against their will and stripped of their country and heritage.

Nevertheless, there will always be those who will maintain their reasoning that it is by the skin color of one’s skin being the determining factor of one’s superiority or minority and in the eyes of one who see themselves as being a superior, a minority will never be accepted as being their superior.

Why Bambi Must Go

This article hit pretty close to home with me as I used to be an avid deer hunter. I agree with this article that "people" and I take that as meaning the Game and Wildlife Departments and politicians need to stop managing the deer. I think that it is very arrogant to think that politicians can "manage" wildlife. In my home state of South Dakota, I cannot get a license to hunt deer on my parent's property. I went toe to toe with some politicians and the Game Fish and Parks to try to make it legal for someone that lives out of state to hunt deer in South Dakota and their response was that it is not fair to "city hunters" that don't own property. So is managing deer about wildlife at all? Or is it about making sure the hunters that spend the most money have an opportunity to get a deer license? In my opinion it is all about the money. I would be curious to see if the Bill Gates Foundation happened to take an interest in warblers. I would also be curious if some corporations started to think that warblers were important and some money was sent the politicians way on what would happen with the deer problem.

I think the article was well written, but I also think the writer left out some important things like I mentioned above. One of the number ones rules when it comes to an argument like this is to ask "where is the money at?". I don't see a great deal of people spending money on warblers. I do think a good solution would be to add $5.00 to the cost of every deer license and put that money into the purchase and care of new warbler habitat.

President Obama speaks

I watched the video clip posted on the subject of President Obama's declaration to endorse publicly his views on the subject of Gay Marriages. I listened to his speech as well as watched his physical reaction to the speech and I am not quite sure that he believes in Gay Marriage. I think that the newly found sentiment is a ploy to win the votes of gay and lesbian voters. With this admission President Obama has opened a door that most politicians would never decide to open. I believe that his remark stunned the world. The way he made his speech I truly believe that although the President probably does not approve of gay and lesbian marriages, I do believe he is sympathetic to what they face day to day in society. I think that President Obama used his knowledge of the everyday struggles that same-sex couples endure that he wanted them to know that although he may not agree with their lifestyles he believes that they should be treated just as fair as other traditional couples. President Obama seemed to be very selective about his choice of words so that he would not offend anybody in the gay and lesbian community. President Obama chose to persuasively and adamantly give his support to the gay and lesbian community. Obama uses several persuasive annotation of the struggles concerning the lives of all military orientated personnel by appealing to the,” American Defense”, side of the issue in which homosexuals, as well as heterosexuals, gave their lives to protect and defend this nation. To his credit President Obama uses numerous words of persuasive imagination, but this speech will still cause a recoil because of his public opinion.  President Obama stated, “It is important for me to just go ahead and affirm, that I think same sex couples should get married”. This statement should be looked upon for what it is, just an opinion. I also think that President Obama's speech was very effective because it caused a stir that will bring considerable changes to his new campaign.

Robbing the poor

In her essay "When All Else Fails, Rob the Poor", Barbara Ehrenreich describes how society tends to take advantage of the financially unstable Americans. This article explains how with the way society and businesses make it un-achievable for the less fortunate to become a part of a higher income bracket. Ehrenreich explains how major credit card companies treat people from a lower income bracket. First these credit card companies charge the poor with higher interest rates. "Gary Rivlin, who wrote "Broke USA," calculated that the poor pay an effective surcharge of about $30 billion a year for the financial and banking services they use." She also explains how employers are legally allowed to keep a big portion of money which should be paid out to employees. Many companies fail to pay their employees minimum wage and also the required amount of money for overtime worked. Ehrenreich, also states Kim Bobo, concludes in her book "Wage Theft in America" how U.S. employers pocket around $100 billion a year through these practices. In this article, Ehrenreich explains how the government is the biggest transgressor of being prejudice and taking advantage of the poor. The state keeps creating incompatible punishments to minor infractions that are made. This article is effective in using logos such as "Payday Advance" making this an invitation to the poor having them believe that their using this system will help them get ahead, while in actuality their desperation is just another way for companies to take advantage of the poor and weak willed. Ehrenreich describes this process as a "legal loan shark".  Ehrenreich's articles expresses pathos, by sharing the story of the homeless Michigan woman. I believe that Ehrenreich's article allows its readers to know exactly what is going on in the society of the United States and it really makes your stomach turn when you think about what happens everyday in your own backyard. America used to be all about helping people, just because the people that need help are poor it doesn't make you any less of a person.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Christina vinson Discussion post 2

Christina Vinson May 27, 2012 "When All Else Fails, Rob The Poor" This article begins by stating before we can do something for the poor, there are some thing we need tostop doing to them. The first problems she identifie is, many lenders, cash, advance companies, and pawn shops rob the poor of the little or no monies they have. The purpose of this article is to bring awareness to the people who take advantage of the poor. If you want to get out of debt and stop the cycle of poverty,you must not allow anyone to rob you. This article brings attention to employees and creditors concerning making laws that would stop all from stealing from the poor. Barber Ehrenrich closes with this statement. No one should be incarcerated for debt or squeezzed for money they have no chace of getting their hands on. These are no bainers, and should take precedence over any long-term talk about generting jobsor stengthening the safety net

Tutor Trouble

In the Chicago Public School System, there is a serious problem happening. Students who are in desperate need of tutoring are not getting it. Since the No Child Left Behind Law, this tutoring program has proved itself invaluable to kids who need a little extra help in their classes. But the situation has 10,000 CPS students - a quarter of the entire school system - who qualify for this tutoring program and are not being helped. But why aren't they getting the help they need?

If your guess was "insufficient funding", you would be wrong. Last year, the Chicago Public School System had $16 million in leftover money from the tutoring fund rollover into this year as they now scramble to spend $33 million in federal aid money in the next few months. They have the money but for some reason, it is not being spent on helping these students with their math and English skills. Clearly, something is very wrong with the Chicago Public School System.

Apparently the CPS failed to put enough students in it's tutoring program earlier this year because it failed to account for attrition. As some kids dropped out, their spots were not given to other kids. But why? This program is not some new, experimental thing. It has been going strong for over a decade already without these problems. Several years ago, the CPS was setting the standard for this kind of program, working right along with the schools, the state, the providers, the students, and the students' families. Nowadays, the CPS is in shambles. They rush to try and spend the rest of the federal money, but at this point in the game, the help is often coming too late to help the students improve their grades enough to pass and move into the next grade. The Chicago Public School System needs to be held accountable and hold itself accountable for this travesty and do what is supposed to be done by helping these student in getting the grades they need to move ahead in school and eventually in life.

UC Problem: When Academics are Advocates

   The article begins with a thesis statement, " Political advocacy corrupts academic institutions." The problem that he identifies is that in California the Constitution states that: " The university shall be entirely independent of all political or secretarial influence and kept free therefrom." Despite the state Constitution the basis to the left is now accepted as a routine part of University of California education. He assumes his readers are Republicans by negative connotations directed toward liberal thinking. His purpose seems to bring awareness of the state of higher education in his country by using the University of California. The writer appeals mainly to logic by stating how Democrats outnumber Republicans in the faculty of University of California. He also states because of the mindset of the faculty members, students graduate college without knowing how to reason, write, or read complex material. He doesn't address any arguments against his thesis. Finally, he concludes by making the point that radical activism has replaced academic knowledge in campus classrooms. The politicized university is an intellectually bankrupt one. Overall, the argument that is presented in this article is ineffective because the writer is using facts from one university and making broad generalization I agree that political views should be kept out of the curriculum of academia, but I know the University of California is extremely liberal colleges. That being said, individuals with the same thinking will be attracted to University of California. College is a place for individual to expand their minds, learn to think, and find their passion.   

Christina Vinson Same sex marriages

May 27, 2012 It is evident that this is a great contravesy. Same sex marriages has become a bandwagon appeal. If you know of someone in your family or have a friend thats gay or lesbian you tend to agree with these convesations. Presidnt Obama, has made a statement, that the world is shocked about. The president has comtted himself to reach out and to protect those who has come out of the closet; however, it is amazing that this favor towards same sex marriages has come an item during our election year. When we think about marriage, we think about a man and a woman and as the president said, it goes along with religios beliefs. It is not my job to tell anyone how to live their lives but to love them where they are. We should also appreciate the job that our sevice people provide and embrace them for who they are.

Discussion Post #2 week 2

Al Gore speaks passionately on the subject global warming. He is aware of our changing climates and increase in natural disasters. In his speech on global warming he stands in front of a crowd of highschoolers who were invited to hear him speak. He makes a relationship with them by comparing how he was once their age and faced challenges like we do today. Al Gore speaks to encourage action on the subject, and seems confident he will inspire his listeners to do so. His purpose is to change new ideas into a universal conscience. To accept that global warming is a crisis that cannot be ignored. His audience is not against him and is left wanting to take action. You can tell by the uproar and excitement of the crowd throughout his whole speech. In order to persuade his audience he uses the three methods of appeal. Logos is applied when he refers to Ghandi, and JFK. He applies the method of Ethos when he relates to the audience when he talks about when he was young. Gore also relies on logos to convince his listeners by giving examples of the negative effects of global warming. Al Gore also grabs your attention when he uses a simile. He compares what happened during the civil rights movement and the idea of global warming. He states “people don’t want to see that the pollution that causes global warming is wrong, just like people did not want to see that racial discrimination was wrong.” Lastly, he used an allusion as a rhetorical strategy. He did that by quoting an African proverb. Overall, Al Gore makes a very effective speech about global warming. He successfully defined his purpose and relayed his message clearly. He is an excellent speaker and makes a strong connection with his audience.
            President Obama "Same Sex Marriage"

This has been a long drawn out controversy issue same sex marriage should it be legal? Now that the Presidential Election is coming up quickly, I feel that this was a way for President Obama to get the Gay/Lesbian people to be a supporter for his possible reelection for President. Although, his speech was compelling, I personally did not feel that he is certain about this idea. However, all people should be treated as equal no matter what.  Since the Armed Forces are under "Don't ask, Don't Tell", then why should it matter about same sex marriage. When Obama gave this speech is chose his words very carefully, so that it would not offend anyone. If Obama really means that he is for same sex marriage, he needs to be more convincing in the speech he gave. Because of his "coming out" about his feeling on this topic, might seem like a desperate plea for voters. This again is only my opinion about President Obama's speech supporting same sex marriage. My feeling is whatever someone wants to do to make themselves happy and that choice should be theirs. We do live in a free country???

                     When all else fails, rob the poor

In Barbara Ehrenreich's, article"When all else fails, rob the poor", she relays the different ways that employers, major credit card companies, and government take advantage of the weak and poor. Ehrenreich's gives compelling information about the poor is in a cycle that is virtually impossible to get out of and to be treated as an equal in our society. In her article, Ehreneich, gives examples of different ways that the poor are robbed of their money and dignity. The major credit card companies charge the poor high interest rates; in addition, to the late fees and also including in the interest. Gary Rivlin, who wrote "Broke USA," calculated the poor pay surcharges around $30 billion a year for banking financial services that they use. The employers taking money from their employees; for example, failing to pay minimum wage and failing to pay for worked hours or overtime that has been worked. Ehrenreich, states Kim Bobo, documents in her book "Wage Theft in America" states how U.S. employers pocket around $100 billion a year through these practices. The government is the worst offender, and poster case of a homeless Michigan woman who was jailed in 2009 failing to pay $104 a month to cover the room and board charges for her 16-year-old son's incarceration. The woman had received a back paycheck, and her thought was to pay for her son's jail stay. But the government confiscated the check and applied to her stay. The states keep creating harsher punishments for different offenses that are really just minor infractions. Ehrenreich's article is persuasive using the logo "Payday Advance", making a invitation to the poor and take advantage of their desperate needs. This is basically the legal "loan shark".  Ehrenreich's articles articulate pathos, by sharing the story of the homeless Michigan woman. I do feel that Ehrenreich's informs the readers exactly what is really going on in this society and quite frankly I am disgusted. America is all about helping people, well,  are poor considered people?

Why Bambi Must Go

Once again, that time of year has come. The time when the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and birdwatchers have a blast watching all the migratory birds flying and singing in the trees. However, something seems to be wrong as of late. The birds are far fewer, the trees quieter, and the skies emptier. The migratory bird population in the Untied States has dropped to a record low. There can be no doubt of that, but the question is "why?" and the answer may surprise you. The reason for the mass bird disappearance: white tailed deer. Now I know what you're thinking: "How could deer possibly affect the bird population?"

The answer is overpopulation. In 1900, unregulated hunting and deforestation caused the white-tailed deer population in the Eastern United States to drop to only a few clusters of the animals spread out few and far between. In response, the federal government set laws to protect the deer and their habitat. Landowners were encouraged with clear some areas of land to make bigger clearnigs fro deer to graze, and to plant more plants of the variety that deer like to eat on their land. Since then, the white-tailed deer have made a major comeback. Now the number of these animals in the United States is upwards of 50 million, with as many as 75 deer in a single square-mile area in some places. This situation, while great for the deer, presents a number of problems for both humans and the rest of the ecosystem.

The bird population dropping is only one such example of problems for the ecosystem. There is also the fact that so many deer eat a lot of vegetation that normally other animals would also eat. Rabbits, hares, porcupines, and others are all North American terrestrial herbivores feeding on low-growing vegetation, grasses, and some low-growing fruits or vegetables. The over-abundance of deer eating all of this vegetation is also efffecting the other herbivores in that there is not enough food left for them in some areas. Then of course there is the effect on birds. The deer are also eating any of the leaves of trees they can reach, thus effectively stripping the lower branches of large trees and killing any young trees before they have the chance to grow larger, thus removing the birds' homes and habitat, leaving them nowhere to nest and mate.

The effect on humans is sometimes even more evident. Deer darting into the road and being hit by vehicles often totals or at the very least damages the opposing vehicles, sometimes injuring or even killing the humans inside. They are also eating farmers' crops, vegetable gardens, and other plantlife humans put in their yards, gardens, and similar places. While a skittish species by nature, deer can be extremely dangerous if provoked. They have attacked and killed hunters and can also hurt pets when they enter a human's property.

People have debated for sometime how best to correct these problems caused by the over-abundace of these deer, but nothing they have come up with is effective. Hunting is becoming less effective, as there are less and less young hunters in the Eastern United States. There has of course been suggestions of reintroducing and protecting wolves, coyotes, and mountain lions. Unfortunately, humans have expanded so much that no one wants to suport that idea for fear of one of these top-tier predators harming or killing humans. Some have suggested fences being installed to keep deer ot of some areas, but of course that requires a lot of money and resources that the current economical climate cannot support. So for now, it would appear that the deer problem is going to continue.

Discussion Post week 2 #1

Rhetorical Analysis to "When all else fails,rob the poor"

Barbara Ehrenreich begins her argument with two hypothetical situations.  She compares two jobs with very opposite incomes and uses the situations to express what one would score if the people were robbed. Also in the first paragraph she uses a metaphor, calling the poor a “juicy target” to make a business off of stealing from them. The problem she identifies is that because you are classified as poor, you are basically trapped in a whirl pool that sucks everything out of you, and gives you a very small chance to ever make up for what is taken away. She assumes her readers are unaware of the issue, and has a neutral but informative tone. Her purpose is to address the issue, and convince the readers to take action. In order to accomplish the purpose, the writer appeals to Logos by using cause and effect, and giving insight about the cash advance businesses, credit card companies, and the harsh and unjust laws that are just made to make a buck in the system.  She also appeals to Ethos by including stories of people who have felt the arrows shot at the poor. The writer refutes her argument by concluding with possible solutions. Her outcome is not clear but the bottom line is that “Before we can "do something" for the poor, there are some things we need to stop doing to them. Overall the argument Ehrenreich makes is effective because the actual issue is addressed clearly, she uses strong strategies to back up her argument, and finally it leaves you feeling more educated about these “Shark-bite” strategies that businesses and our own government are using to make money that has no value because all they are making is just more debt.

Why Bambi Must Go

   The negative effects of white-tailed deer on migratory bird populations has gone unnoticed. In the article "Bambi Must Go" the author uses several rhetorical arguments to inform and persuade the reader to take action against the white-tailed deer. First, he informs us on the former plight of the white-tailed deer population and the laws that were put in place to protect our hoofed neighbors. Second, he gives us some facts on the population of the white-tailed deer. Thirdly, he used the emotions to describe how the birds can not nest on the ground because the white-tailed deer have eaten the vegetation in which the migratory birds nest.
   For me the strongest argument was the use of facts to inform us on how the white-tailed deer population has increased. I know that too much of anything is bad, so whether the over population of the white-tailed deer is affecting the population or not, something should be done about the amount of deer in certain areas.
   The conclusion of this article emphasizes the negative effects of over population of the white-tailed deer, and a call to action to protect the forest against the white-tailed deer. Over population of the white-tailed deer depletes the underbrush of the forest. Migratory birds nest in the underbrush of the forest; therefore, the white-tail deer are affecting the population of the migratory birds.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


                    Discussion#2: WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, ROB THE POOR

                                                       Rhetorical Analysis

In Barbara Ehrenreich’s article, “When all else fails, rob the poor”, gave an outstanding comparison of the thievery that is being conducted in our society by individuals who prey on the poor. Those that steal from the poor through the use of illegal means and those who steal through the use of an unjust system of legal means.

Ehrenreich believe that the system in which governs over us also allow for those, through legality to prey upon us. Ehrenreich’s examples of how this legal thievery is being conducted among the poor community of our society was not only to get our attention to what has been taking place within the poor community, but also to give awareness  to the public of how this is being conducted and examples of those individuals who are behind it.

The ways in which the poor in our community are being attacked by the unjustness of these  legality, can and have, attached meaningless criminal records to individuals of the poor community that were not warranted. It is through these unjust means of thievery among our poor, in which Ehrenreich addresses, that has turned many individuals among our poor community into the harden criminals, in which the system can be blamed.

 Ehrenreich’s article not only appealed to our humanity in being able to comprehend the unfairness of our society’s legal system but also in our need to understand why our system has become so corrupt and to put forth ways in which we can help alleviate the perils which our poor community faces every day.

In conclusion to Ehrenreich’s article, we are reminded that no matter what one owns or have, the system of legality can take it away, if one does not pay heed to the basic needs of survival and go above that means to achieve a higher standing without the backing to maintain, can and will have dire consequences.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Discussion#1: President Obama on Gay Marriage

                                   Discussion#1: President Obama on Gay Marriage

After watching the posted video clip in regard to President Obama’s decision to make public his feelings and views on the subject of Gay/Lesbian Marriages, I must say, I am not at all convinced that the president himself believes totally in his new found convictions. “Surprisingly, near election time”.  Nevertheless, I do feel that President Obama made a gallant effort in getting the attention and interest of Gay/Lesbian couples around the world with his bold announcement. President Obama appealed to the Gay/Lesbian community was that of a sympathizer, and so armed with the knowledge of the struggles of same-sex couples for the right to be treated just as fair and impartial as those of the opposite-sex couples. In respect to same-sex couples’ personal lives, President Obama was very selective of his choice words in order not to alienate the majority of Gay/Lesbian followers.

Not only did President Obama choose his words adamantly in pursuit of the Gay/Lesbian favor, Obama also used persuasive annotation of the struggles concerning the lives of all military orientated personnel by appealing to the,” American Defense”, side of the issue in which homosexuals, alongside with heterosexuals, also gave their lives to protect and defend the nation. To this day, there are still enlisted Gay/Lesbian members of the society with family and love ones who no longer have to be questioned on their sexual orientation thanks to the, “don’t ask, don’t tell”, roll back.

President Obama, even with the use of creative words of persuasion, will still have to face the back lash of his public opinion from them who fear what they do not understand and those who choose not to listen well to what they hear. President Obama stated, “It is important for me to just go ahead and affirm, that I think same sex couples should get married”. This statement should be looked upon for what it is, just an opinion. 

Discussion Post: Week 2: Al Gore Video

The rhetorical situation that Al Gore speaks about is global warming. Mr. Gore his speech by citing that scientists agree with the theory of global warming and he gives examples of what is happening around the world due to climate change such as the ice caps melting. He addresses a group of young people and he entices their interest of his speech by comparing them to young people that helped foster equal rights in the early 60's. Mr. Gore also reminds his young audience that things that seem impossible, definitely are possible  by reminding them of President Kennedy's promise to the country that we would land on the moon, and we did. At this point in the speech the audience is enticed, excited and motivated to get something done about global warming.

I think that his speech is very effective, even if someone does not believe in climate change or global warming. He compares his audience to the young people of the civil rights movement, so they feel like they can make a difference. Then he goes on to tell the audience that our country went to the moon in a very short amount of time. This made the audience feel like they can do something that can change the world in a short amount of time.

Discussion Post : Week 2,0,7201749.story

Barbara Ehrenreich begins her essay by stating
"Before we can 'do something' for the poor, there are some things we need to stop doing to them." The problem she identifies is how companies, the government and others prey on the weak and poor. She assumes that her readers are poor. Though it can also be the rich reading and trying to help. She purpose is to get people to understand what the poor is going through to survive in this greedy world. In order to accomplish this purpose, she appeals mainly to the amount of money the poor is being charged through businesses, fines, fees, etc... She also appeals to the way the poor gets treated. In her essay, Barbara addresses the main argument against her thesis, the idea that the poor are being charged and treated worse than the rich. They get to do whatever they want with no repercussions. She refutes this argument by saying how a homeless woman went to jail because she didn't pay for her sons incarceration. Finally she concludes by making the point of what they need to start doing instead of preying on the poor. Overall, the argument Barbara makes is effective because she added a lot of evidence to support her argument, she states a very serious point that is happening worldwide that needs to stop.

Discussion Post : Week 2,0,7201749.story

Page 102 PA

1. Paraphrase this essay's thesis.

Instead of attacking us equally when the government wants more money, they attack the poor. They see it as survival of the fittest and are trying to wein out the "weakest links", or in other words, the poor.

2. What arguements does the writer present as evidence to support her thesis? Which do you think is the strongest arguement? Which is the weakest?

"Gary Rivlin, who wrote "Broke USA," calculated that the poor pay an effective surcharge of about $30 billion a year for the financial and banking services they use."

"Kim Bobo documents in her book "Wage Theft in America" how U.S. employers pocket at least $100 billion a year through such things as requiring employees to work hours for which they're not paid, failing to pay minimum wage and refusing to honor overtime pay differentials."

"Being poor itself is not yet a crime, but in at least a third of the states, being in debt can now land you in jail. If a creditor like a landlord or credit card company has a court summons issued for you and you fail to show up on your appointed court date, a warrant will be issued for your arrest. And it is easy enough to miss a court summons, which may have been delivered to the wrong address or, in the case of some bottom-feeding bill collectors, simply tossed in the garbage — a practice so common that the industry even has a term for it: "sewer service.""

This passages gives a long list of arguements but out of those, these are the ones that popped out the most. The last one I find as a big arguement since I have experienced things like it before, so I understand from personal experience. The weakest would have to be..

"Poor people are more likely than the affluent to get into trouble with the law, either by failing to pay parking fines or by incurring the wrath of a private sector creditor like a landlord or a hospital."

3. What opposing arguement does the writter address? What other oppoing arguements could she have addressed?

The government attacking the poor for money. She could have added in there about what benifits they give the rich ( letting them do basically whatever they want and not get into trouble.)

4. What points does the conclusion emphasize? Do you think any other points should be emphasized?

Basically what they need to do, instead of trying to bust the poor for stealing they need to start focusing on millionaire employers who steal from us. I think she could have emphasized a little on how they need to easy up on the laws instead of trying to bust the poor for every little ting that they do.

5. Contruct a syllogism that expresses the essay's arguement. Then, check your syllogism to make sure it is sound.

Only the poor get attacked by the government.

The rich are not poor.

Therefore, the rich does not get attacked by the government.

Page 112 PA

1. What is this essay's thesis? Restate in your own words.

Since the poor are so desperate to get the things they need to survive, the government and local businesses have finally got the idea that if they give them what they want, they can get more out of them. The see the poor as weak and deprived and when you dangle a dog treat over the face of a dog they will do anything to get it.

2. Why do you think they place the thesis where they do?

To explain exactly to expect as you as you read on.

3. What evidence do they use to support their conslusion?

"Poor people are more likely than the affluent to get into trouble with the law, either by failing to pay parking fines or by incurring the wrath of a private sector creditor like a landlord or a hospital."

4. What inductive leap do they make to reach their conclusion? Do you think they should have concluded more evidence?

I believe they included all that they needed to in order to get the reader to understand.

5. Overall, do you think their inductive arguement is relatively strong or weak?

I think it was pretty strong. They included a lot of evidence in their passage and I could feel exactly what they meant as I read on.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rhetorical Fallacies,0,7201749.story
"When all else fails, rob the poor"

  In Barbara Ehrenreich's article on the L.A. Times, she talks about what the government and businesses do to the poor. The fallacies start from the beginning of Barbara's article with some for example, "Mug a janitor and you'll be lucky to get bus fare to flee the crime scene." she is making a generalization that all janitors are poor, not all janitors are poor. She uses this as a way to get her opinion out that organizations tend to steal from the "poor" people to make a "quick buck". Ehrenreich's fallacy helps enrich her story and bring readers into what she believes to a huge cause in America. She is willing to get the reader to feel sorry for the poor and help support her cause so that she can accomplish her goal. The biggest falacy that Ehrenreich uses is the appeal to pity, which she wants you to feel bad for the "poor" people which will promote her argument furthermore. Though not the most notable method of persuasion it works with her argument because of her evidence she provides to support her claim. 

Week 2 Business

Congratulations on making it through Week 1!  As we make our way into Week 2, I have some reminders, some observations and some questions.


Make sure you are blogging two discussion posts (200-300 words) and four responses (100-150 words) per week.  This is a fairly easy way to rack up points.  I gave full points to all posts and comments this first week, but I will be marking down for length in the coming weeks.  Also, it is fine to make comments that go off topic (in fact, I encourage it as an important part of community building!), but only on-topic comments will be given credit in future weeks.

Also - and this is a real plea from me - please make sure you are using the labels option at the right side of the posting screen to label your posts.  It's much easier for me to guarantee I will not miss one of your discussion posts if you make sure to label each one with "DQ" so I can sort them at the end of the week.


You guys are doing a great job so far!  You've gotten the hang of the blog and most of you have used the Angel dropbox to successfully post your papers.

I've been reading along on the blog, if mostly silently, and I have really enjoyed your conversations thus far!  Who knew I would have so many fellow comics nerds in this class?


I'd like feedback, if you're so inclined, as to how you are adjusting to using the blog for class discussions thus far.  I am finding the conversations here more engaging than the ones I usually see on the Angel discussion boards, but I would like to hear your questions, comments or concerns.  I would particularly like to know if there is any part of the course blog or the assignment sheet/essay posting process that is still confusing you.

I'm looking forward to another great week!

Discussion post: Article fallacies

The article’s presumption that the deer must be excluded from what can be considered it’s natural habitat in order to make room for other species that share the habitat is utterly idiotic.
The author cataloged the history of the near fall and concurrent rise of the White Tail deer as part of the article and from that draws ways to help the birds that are disappearing from the areas they normally inhabited. At no point does the author bring forth the point of view that perhaps the birds migratory pattern has shifted in the time frame they presented, but I’ll suspend disbelief for now.
The way the White Tail made it’s meteoric rise was that wildlife agencies encouraged federal lands and private land owners who controlled large plots of land to disburse tasty foliage, such as clover, to draw the deer into the area. So already they’re tampering with habitats to accommodate the attraction of an animal without have contingency plans for, say, a population explosion.
Fast forward, there was a population explosion. Now, the deer are a pest as they eat the ground foliage where some migratory birds build their nests. This isn’t good as it disturbs the ecosystem that was already in place, but don’t worry, the author says we can fix they problem by further disturbing the ecosystem. Seems legit.
The author brings up actions by researchers in Virginia and Pennsylvania where they fenced areas of forests to make a deer-free zone, in these areas the migratory bird population has increased where the deer are absent. This was to be expected, what’s also to be expected(if history is looked to) is another population explosion that needs to be dealt with.
The most sane plan is the one presented at the very end of the article, “stop managing our forests for deer.” Why they didn’t just throw this out at the beginning is baffling to me.

Discussion Post: Speech effectiveness

Al Gore’s speech on global warming is a very effective one. You can tell this even if you disagree with the point he’s trying to bring forth and sway you with. He does everything a good speech giver should do.
He plays to the crowd almost perfectly as the speech goes on and on. He gives them a call to action, such as when he said there has already been over a million community service hours logged in regards to environmental activities and he goes over the crowd and says he wants them all to be part of the next million.
The next part where he plays to the crowd is he tells them a story about when he was around their age, thirteen years old. The story was that him and other kids that were his age didn’t agree with some of the rules their elders had set. This play perfectly into the crowd because they’re all middle schoolers so they’re in that age rage where they have a greater chance of being rebellious. By telling them this story he plays off of their adolescent nature for rebellion and also connects with them because he is presenting himself as if he’s gone through something similar as well.
All in all, the speech was highly effective. Not going to comment on the subject matter as it tends to be a volatile subject with some but the speech in which he used to frame his subject can be looked at on it’s own as what a successful speech looks like.

Agenda - Week 2: Rhetorical Analysis and Logical Fallacies

Practical Argument Readings:

  • Chapter 4: “Writing a Rhetorical Analysis” (67-87)
  • Chapter 5: “Understanding Logic and Recognizing Fallacies” (89-126)
  • Chapter 7: “Planning, Drafting and Revising and Argumentative Essay” (189-216)


Check frequently for added links


Discussion Questions:

  • Watch the political videos in my earlier post.  Choose one of those videos and analyze its rhetorical situation, appeals and rhetorical strategies.  Is the speech effective or ineffective?  Why?
  • Review one of the political videos in my earlier post for logical fallacies.  Which ones can you find?  How likely do you think the average viewer would be to notice them?  How do they effect your own perception of the effectiveness of the speech?
  • Choose one of the editorials listed in the Resources section above.  Using the "Template for Rhetorical Analysis" on page 85 of PA as a model, write a brief analysis of your selected reading.
  • Choose one of the editorials listed in the Resources section above.  Answer the "Identifying the Elements of Deductive Argument" questions on page 102 of PA of the "Identifying the Elements of Inductive Argument" questions on page 112 of PA.  Explain why you selected the set of questions you did.
  • Choose one of the editorials listed in the Resources section above and analyze it for rhetorical fallacies.  Identify the fallacies in the article and explain how and why the writer uses them and whether they undermine his/her overall argument.


Essay 2, due Monday, May 28th at 11:59 pm.  (I'm giving you an extra day due to the long weekend.)  The assignment sheet is posted to the Lessons page of Angel as Essay 2: Rhetorical Analysis.

Political Statements

President Obama on gay marriage:

Ron Paul and Rick Santorum on gay marriage:

Al Gore on climate change:

George Bush on climate change:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Critical Analysis

   After I read Bound to Buy: The ten types of consumers who inevitably overspend, I thought about my financial type. I have ventured into all the types at some point in my life and I wondered why. Why do I spend money I don't have? I came to the conclusion that it is an American trend to overspend. The culture that we live in is geared towards convenience and luxury. Our society has cultivated these types of consumers. Even though the author takes a humorous perspective on this topic; this is a very serious matter. Take a look at the state of our economy we all helped create this.
   How are we going to make a change for the better? We have to educate ourselves on how money works and then teach our children, so they won't live in debt their whole lives. Each consumer type that the author describes is an over spender. These same types of consumers are our elected officials. The politicians overspend, but it is easier for them because there is no end to the resources available. If we teach our children how to be responsible with money they will grow up to be good stewards of their money.

Chrstina Vinson

I can't agree more when it comes to parents not willing to discuss the topic of sex. I think that it was more complicated for parents in the sixtys and seventies to be reluctant to talk with their children about sex facts then it is for parents of todays society. It would be better for parents to talk with their own children rather than for another child t misimform they and they become preganent or worse contract s disease. I am a mother of one but we are constantly talking to him about the sex facts. I don't like to do that but he needs to know where to go and what to do when that situation arisees. I work with young people every day and it seems that some parnents are not willing to have that talk yet. I met a young lady that needed to talk about what to do about her being four months preganet. She said my mom never talked to me about sex and here it is now i'm preganet after my first time having sex. This should be a wake up call for parents. If we are not ready for yor baby to have a baby, don't be a baby and have that talk.

Original Founding Fathers

sarah.j.daniels: Essay 1, Visual Argument Analysis Ad

Essay 1, Visual Argument Analysis By sarah.j.daniels

Willy Wonka Meme

      The Wonka Meme uses radical honesty and a sarcastic, drawling inner-narration that more than anything makes people stop and reconsider their normal social conventions like passing along news of the "shocking" and "disturbing" variety such as the Wonka Meme about "Kony 2012", in which Willy Wonka sits with his hand on his cheek and that familiar bemused smirk, sporting the words "I saw your post about Kony 2012... Please tell me more about how you've always cared about the Ugandan kids", thus pointing out how often people jump on the "popular bandwagon" of people wanting to suddenly stand up for others because the media decided to shine a light on a tragic situation that had been in progress for years already without much (if any) public recognition.

      There are many different variations of this "super meme", some pointing out mankind's habits of following the crowd such as the "Kony 2012" example, and some that point out things like hero-worship in the urban culture. One such exaple is the Wonka Meme making mention of a brand of clothing made popular by the UFC. That once again sporting Willy Wonka but now bearing the words "Nice Tapout shirt... I bet you've kicked so many ***es". (Editted here for content) Memes liek this are a way of breaking down situations and making them real again; often in a humerous way, sometimes to soften the blow, other times to poke fun at the absurdity of others. The use widely known characters such as Willy Wonka is what helps make this a "super meme"

      What, however, is a "super meme"? A super meme is, of course, a meme that has become so wildly popular that people have replicated it and re-replicated it with different slogans and different witty phrases to the point that it can be seen almost everywhere online in some form or other. Other examples of such memes are "lol Catz", "Nyan Cats", and "Retro Spider-Man". These memes, while mostly just nonsensical, are also known as "super memes". Wildly popular and incredibly viral.

Catch-Up Day

Happy Monday, Everyone!

This first week, I know you are all busy getting used to what and where to post, so I am extending a catch-up day to let you all make sure you are on target before we move on to our work for Week 2.

As you will know from the syllabus, I do not accept late work.  Today will be the one exception to that rule.  If you have missing work from Week 1, I will let you catch up on it today.  Here is what you should have completed thus far:

  • Posted two discussion posts of 200-300 words each to the course blog.
  • Posted four responses of 100-150 words each to your classmates' discussion posts.
  • Posted your first essay to the Essay 1 dropbox on the Lessons page of Angel.  (This should not be emailed to me or posted to the course blog or tumblr.)
  • Posted the visual you discussed in Essay 1 to the course blog.  (The assignment sheet noted to post the visual to tumblr, but since no one has done so, and you're all used to posting here by now, this seems the easier solution.)
I have extended the deadline on all of these tasks to 11:59 pm tonight, so if you are behind, take this opportunity to catch up before I post this week's agenda.  If you are still have problems using the course blog or finding the resources on Angel, please contact me and I will be happy to meet you in person or by phone to walk you through everything.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bounds of Bad Habits

In this article, I have found that there where several spending habits that I was involved in but time brings about a change.  I use to be an impulsive buyer but since the economy has taken a turn it has affected the way my family spends money carelessly.
  I did see some of me in the creature of bad habits.  I noticed that we were spending money eating out but didn't have money for things that we needed to have it for so as a mother I went to war because having money to go to work became a priority and not a pleasure.  We improvised on eating out because we were lazy and know one wanted to cook or clean the kitchen.
  My family now bargain shop and use coupons when we go to the grocery store and when we go out to eat.
  In the article " Has Product Placement In Music Videos Gone Too Far" , Lyndsey Parker  makes an argument against products and there companies going to far with the placement of there merchandise in music videos.  Companies have long use celebrities to endorse products in ads, as well make the arguement that their product is better than the other because a certain celebrity/entertainer uses it.  Ads like this were the product is the hands of the celebrity or even around the entertainer.  Such as a music video, photoshoot, or commercial is designed to portay a message in way that you will be like this person if you use there product.
  Most consumers are not aware of just how much money these celebrities are paid to appear and endores these products.  For example, Lady Gaga's "Telephone" was video in which miracle whip was placed into the video along with dancing crew of scantily clad women and seizure-inducing quick-cut edits.


I saw this visual screen cap on an episode "30 Rock", it shows friends having lunch and asking a question, "Have you ever been French -kissed?" With the girl in the pigtails responding, "Are you kidding? I don't want to get pregnant." This visual makes a powerful statement about the lack of knowledge that young girls have about getting pregnant.
After I read the screen caption, I was stunned on the complete lack of knowledge about "sex". Unfortunately, this statement is true to many young teenagers because parents do not want to talk about "sex" with their teenagers.  I am a parent of three boys and one girl and had to do the "sex talk" and how to protect themselves. Although, this is an uncomfortable talk, it needs to be done.
It's images show that they are having a general conversation during lunch at school. At first glance, the photographer's goal seems to capture young girls in the 1960s era, and are just having a great time at school with friends and eating lunch. With the top girls in the picture being all giddy and looking bashful while asking the question and the bottom picture with the surprised look on the girl's face, shocking that she would asked such a question. This photo says a thousand words on just the lack of knowledge of the topic "sex". The photo's stark images support this position. For example, the strong sense that there is no communication and no teaching about the facts of life here. This is a reality. That parents and teenagers should talk about "sex" and teach them the preventive measurements not to get pregnant.
This young girl's perception about how a French-kiss can cause pregnancy is due to the lack of communication from her parents. This statement "French-kissing",  is not going to stop the teenagers from having sex . This is my observation, that telling a lie is easier than to talk about the true facts of life with young teenagers. This is called a blind-eye, and one that should be more wide opened to the reality of teenage sex.
A note that accompanies the photo states that is not a statement against teenage sex. Still, the impact on its audience is likely to be perceive that there is a lack of communication about sex and pregnancy. So, lets teach the real facts of life and give the knowledge on how to prevent teenage pregnancy.

Visual Arguement

This is one of many types of ads that uses provocatively dressed people to sell products. This type of ad is designed to lead you to believe that if you were to purchase the particular product, you will either end up sexy like them or attract sexy people. The less clothing that the person in the ad is wearing, the more attention they attract to them and less attention for the product itself. This ad happens to be an ad for a car and unless you are a car expert, you don't even recognize the make and model of the vehicle. All you notice is the female placed strategically in the foreground. She is obviously physically fit and posed in a sexy manner. As far as marketing goes, sex sells, it sells everything from cars to make-up to diet pills. It is a multi million dollar theme that preys on people's needs and desires. Not only is it visually stimulating but also gets your mind thinking. "If I purchase this car, I can go out on the town and pick up ladies like that." Same principle applies to an attractive person posing for diet pills. "If I take those pills, it will make me look that great too." You don't see ugly people posing for ads, not even for things like plastic surgery. Most people in those types of ads don't even need plastic surgery. It is another way of manipulating people's desires. People are always looking to better themselves, either by looking better or having nicer things. These ads use emotions and feelings as well as needs and desires. You see an attractive person and that typically makes you feel happy. If it ends up making you feel sad, you still end up wanting to purchase that product so that you can be happy in the end. Going back to the ad that I chose, I am a female who likes cars and although there is that female in the pictures, it doesn't deter me from viewing that ad. By the way, what kind of car is that anyway?