Thursday, June 28, 2012

Final Paper Return

Because Angel could be closed down at any time today, please post here to let me know whether you would like your Essay 5 returned.  If you request it back, it will be available in my office (K-216) any time after July 5th.

Have a great rest of the summer!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Final Exam Essay

Your final exam essay is posted to the Lessons page on Angel.  It will be available until 11:59 pm tomorrow (Wednesday).  This is a low-stakes assignment and a great way to pick up easy points if you answer the questions completely.

You'll be getting loads of paper back from me over the next three days, but since I won't "speak" with most of you directly, I want to take the chance here to let you know how much I have enjoyed you as a class.  Your discussions have been a constant source of pleasure for me, and your paper topics have been consistently interesting.  You've all made it a very pleasant term.

Best of luck in your future endeavors!

Monday, June 25, 2012


The traditional method of education has a number of problems For example, if you were to miss a class, you would thusly miss any notes given, and any/all class discussion from that day, along with what assignments were given. In additon, if the teacher does not pronunciate well or has problems speaking to the class, there is usually very little to be done about it. Making lectures available as podcasts however, allows students to not have to miss classes and be able to read everything nessecary on their own without having to try and interprate someone else's vernacular or views on the subject that may sway the discussion. There are thee reasons that this teaching method should be adopted. One reason is that students don't have to freak out about "missing a class" because of illness or other personal reasons. Another reason is that students can read the material and come o understand it through their own unique methods as opposed to listening to it explained by someone who has already formed their own opinions of it. Finally, one can read and re-read the lecture as many times as they want as opposed to only hearing it once and taking notes. For these reasons, I believe that lectures should be recorded or pre-written and posted for the class' easier use and access.

To Him Coy Mistress

This is a beautiful poem that proposes Andrew's love for his sweet mistress. He explains his love in quite a manner.

"And the last age should show your heart.
For, lady, you deserve this state,
Nor would I love at lower rate."

This was my favorite part of the whole poem. It describes at most how he feels for her. It is very convincing with what detail he provided in his poem. If I would have wrote something like this to my fiance, I could just picture her now, tears rolling down her face as she reads on to the very end. It was very touching.

"My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires, and more slow."

This was my second favorite phrase that really brought out how he truly felt about his mistress.

Hunsford proposal from "Pride and Prejudice"

I believe the reason why it failed so miserably is the way he went about telling her. Instead of expressed truly on how he felt and why he wanted her hand in marriage, he basically just told her everything that he is giving up and that it is not like him to arrange something like this. He was being to impulsive and from the sounds of it she doesn't like him already due to him bringing pain to her sister. That already put him off to a bad start. He should have started off by apologizing about her sister and explaining his love for her. No more than that. You don't try and win someone by telling them everything you are giving up for them or everything bad that is going to happen if you do it. You let them figure that out for themselves so that they would learn to appreciate what you have done for them and so that they can understand how strong your love is for them.

Discussion Responses

Hi All,

I know many of you , like me, may have been affected by intermittent power outages and patchy internet service yesterday, so I will not count any Week Six discussion responses submitted today as late.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

My coy mistress

     Andrew Marvell's poem is a great love story.  He is in love with this mistress and wish to spend his dying days loving her.  He says "had we but world enough, and time', it brings e to believe he would love her for eternity.  Mr. Marvell, made reference 'Till the conversion of the  Jews' ,that he would love her until the end of time.  This statement made me believe that he was truly in love with her and he loved her beyond the grave. His proposal was convincing and heart felt.