Thursday, June 21, 2012

week 6 DP #2

To his Coy Mistress is a beautifully written poem. The structure is very organized. The arguments are clear and broken into three sections. He first describes his growing love for the mistress. His love will go on forever and he will only love at his highest state. The second section talks about the question about the amount of time he will have to love. “But at my back I always hear

Time’s winged chariots hurrying near.”

In the third section he embraces his present love and wants to run with it. “Now therefore, while the youthful hue,

Sits on thy skin like morning dew”

“And why thy willing soul transpires,

At every pour with instant fires”

Basically his love for the mistress is the fire and at this time cannot be stopped. His desire is to face the presence of life with this powerful love.

The argument Andrew Marvell makes is very effective and conveys his feelings in a desirable way. His wording is quite sweet, and he uses metaphors to strengthen his persuasion. Overall, the poem is romantic and enticing and very convincing. You can feel his emotion radiating right out of the pages. The massage reveals the strength of love and desire.


  1. I like your interpetation of the poem it is a strong and emotional. Andrew is very convincing of his love and even after life he still will love. I like the message that you have stated "Reveals the strength of love and desire." The use of metaphors throughout the poem helps relate to his feelings and love.

  2. I too like your interpretation of this poem. I especially like your line 'basically his love for the mistress is the fire and at this time cannot be stopped', that in itself sums up the entire poem.

  3. To be able to convey your feelings in such a way that readers can feel them as well is a very good skill. This writer does that very effectively and anyone who reads his work can feel his emotions His love is strong and enduring not only does he convey this feeling he inspires others to feel love.

  4. The way you expresed this poem is the way I felt about his true loveand devotion to this lady. I liked the part when you said romantic and enticing. Thats the way true love makes you feel every day.

  5. I have learned a lot about love in the past three years. Sharing true love with someone can really break through any iron gate in life. I enjoyed reading this poem because of the emotion coming out of it. Andrew Marvell expressed his emotions beautifully and his thoughts are so pure. His thoughts also reflect the purity of one’s loving soul. It is so important to love at your highest level and live at the highest level due to the amount of time we are not promised. To His Coy Mistress is an intimate poem of one’s feelings toward another.
