Friday, June 8, 2012

Essay 1

Christina Vinson

May 20, 2012

       There are many restaurants that use trendy ads that catch the eyes of our children.

   This is a plot to get the children’s attention and to continuously keep them eating in an

 Unhealthy manner.   The food is said to be healthy and full of nutrients but this is not accurate.

     According to this Article that was written in” The New York Times”, many kids are eating

 Out more and missing their daily nutrients.   A team of researchers from Yale University has

Spent more than a year compiling data that proves children are eating unhealthy foods.  The

Target age for these Ads is 2-18 years of age.  Many children watch T.V. and see Ads from their

Favorite restaurants.  Many of the restaurant commercial claim to have healthy alternatives but

Research shows that many of them only meet 12 % of the nutrients needed.

   The Federal Trade Commission is looking into eliminating   these self proclaimed Ads that

Claim to be healthy.   Some companies have agreed to stop running its ads but it is not clear

When that will happen.

   As parents and educators, it is important that we make our families aware of the problems that

Eating unhealthy causes. Although the ads are tempting, we must provide healthy alternatives for

our families.  A way we can do this is by going to restaurants that offer a variety of healthy

choices. Many of our children are having health issues because they are not

Eating a well balanced diet.

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