Thursday, June 7, 2012


                Discussion week #4

                                                                                                 COUNTRY MUSIC

There are many varieties of music in the world today that can fit almost every aspect of one’s day to day commute through life. The music, in which one choses to divulge themselves in, depends on that individual’s taste and personal preference for that particular kind of music. When taking into consideration the various labels of music in which one would define as being, “good music”, an individual’s race, style, up-bringing, and way of life can play a big part in what that individual considers good music to be.
The term, “Good" music, can be defined as any musical medium that can stir its’ listener emotionally, by the use of sound, rhythm, and lyrics within a song; to tell a story; make a point; or just to inform. Country music is by far one great example of good music. Although this style of music, to some listeners, is considered an acquired taste, “I love Country Music”. This does not come from the fact that I grew up in the country but rather my own individual taste. My love for country music stems from the way in which the country singers present their music by using real life experiences in their lyrics; sometimes others’ life experiences, many times their own.
One example of Good music is seen and heard within the lyrics of Garth Brooks’ video clip, “The Thunder Rolls”.
 The posted clip shows the face of a young woman whose eyes are replaced with mirrored images of her husband in the arms of another woman, befitting the part in Garth Brooks’ lyrics, where he sang, “… With all the wind and rain A strange new perfume blows, And the lightning flashes in her eyes, And he knows that she knows…” depicted the shot superlatively. This shot express the agony, hurt and pain of a woman betrayed by the man she gave her heart to.
This is a great song, filled with emotions from both sides and the clip was exactly the way one would have pictured in their minds of the rising events. Husband off cheating with another woman, while his wife is left alone to worry about his safety, is a true behavior that goes on often in our society even though the subject of unfaithfulness is hardly ever addressed openly in some relationships, the lyrics of songs have managed to provide answers and a voice to what an individual is feeling or thinking. Nothing says it louder and straight forward then the words of a good country song.


1 comment:

  1. I can relate to that song from ny personal experience. Good music depends on the persons likes and dislikes and how they interpert music. Personally I like an assortment of music; country, pop, rock, hip-hop, and the 80s. That is my era of music that I really enjoy listening to. I like to keep my options open to all different types of music and relate it to myself personally.
