Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Analyze the ad

With global warming starting to set in more and more, the only thing we can blame is our government and ourselves. With the government building and destroying our land and nature, it is causing a lot of problems for our planet. We were expected to not live past this year due to everything that we have done to pollute the earth. The more buildings that are built, the less land we have for our nature resources to come from and we are surely running out. Since they are desperate for a quick buck, everything is being made cheaply whether or not it harms the planet. As long as they get paid, they don't care. Oil spills, gas leaks, cars letting out fumes and smoke, trash building up on roads and things that are made that are not easily broken down to get rid of. Trash companies burning trash and polluting our air with the ungodly smell or trash and smoke. Chemical being made that kills the very things that make our world go round. Last I heard, the atmosphere is getting quite thin and will soon sprout a hole which will slowly kill everything we don't appreciate at this point in time till it is gone. This ad say a lot just by a couple of words and a few pictures. It truly means a lot to the people willing to understand it and possibly do something about it. Soon we will all die and this ad will be an "I told you so" memorable statement.


  1. Maxx! Your assessment of the posted ad really hit the nail on the head. You are so right about the way the earth is being ravaged by the economy, always looking to build or create “bigger and better” of that which they feel will enrich life more than what has already been enriched. Our natural resources are being destroyed by over productions that call for more and more of natures’ bounty. When will it end? Land is being cleared to make way for homes that the average worker will never be able to live in because of their high mortgage; vehicles are produced by the thousands to set unsold on land that were once prosperous fields and forests. Either way you slice or dice it, the economy is in big trouble and until mankind learn to give back to nature, in equal amount what they take, this world will not last and the only thing that we can contribute in offerings to our children’ children’s, will be just a memory.

  2. We have overpopulated the material world. Everyone is obsessed with product after product. Because you can buy absolutely anything in a store, people have strayed far away from their natural world. What we are "enriching life" with is by only means destroying it. Select groups of people are working their butts off to make better choices and to promote change in our society. However, so much damage has been done and we have fallen into a deep hole. Another majority of people are also completely blindsided by ignorant thinking. Choosing to opt our other options and considering disasters to be unimportant is why we failed in many aspects.

  3. Everything and everyone is this world is running a rat race and the race is for no gain. There are buildings being built, and houses being built and know one to put in them. What happened to the natural things that we used to care about like trees, plants, and animals? There is always a fight over oil and the economy. WHEN will we learn to restore our natual resources? When will we be abale to live in a world we are proud of.

  4. Maxx, I totally agreed with your analysis of the posted ad. I completely agree that the earth is being destroyed by the economy. It seems that the more the earth develops the more people want to build and develop this planet into something totally different. This world is already overpopulated and over developed. Because people are able to buy anything inside the store and change anything you come across. With the economy being the way it is we should stop trying to develop the earth into something. There has been a lot of damage done by the inhabitants of this planet and with all that has happen if there is not a complete turn around this planet is going to be in even more of a ruinous state.
