Friday, June 15, 2012

“Contemporary media is encouraging children to grow up to fast”

Contemporary media seems to encourage children to grow up to fast. If you look at contemporary media there are many things there that encourage children to grow up to fast. Everything children see today in movies, magazines and hear on the television. When children are allowed to view what ever they want whenever they want the take on the views of the things that they hear and see on television. Many of these television shows seem to encourage children to do things that they may not be ready for. Parents should be aware of what their children are watching as well as how their children view the things they see a well as whether or not their children agree with what they see on television. Although there may not be anything we can do to stop them from being exposed to contemporary media we can monitor the things that our children view and give explanations of how things really work in society and how our children should react in some of these situations. There are many things that children deem as okay for them to do because of how media portrays it that they do not realize the consequences of what can happen if they take part in these actions. Like the belief that being thin is the only thing that makes you beautiful so young girls have taken to watching what they eat and not eating healthy, as well as viewing themselves as ugly just because they are not as thin as others around them.

1 comment:

  1. You hit the nail on the head Trina. Even though parents monitor what their kids are watching it is difficult because of the amount of devices that are available. I only let my kids watch Disney channel, but lately I am troubled by the content of the shows that are on Disney. My kids have laptops, tablets, and handheld games. I have to monitor the internet and make sure all the appropriate filters are on. There is so much useful data on the internet, but there is so much harmful and time-wasting activities on the internet as well. I get upset when businesses market inappropriate advertising on an educational or kids' website.
