Sunday, June 17, 2012

Economic Progress is killing the planet

What is its causal argument? The causal argument is that economic progress is killing the planet. One that we deal with locally is our water is polluted.  What does it identify as main causes? The main cause that ad identifies is fuel. The could mean a couple of things. One being the pollution caused by the fuel being burned in engines, and another cause could be the damage caused to the environment by the companies that drill for oil. A good example is the BP oil spill that happened close to us in the Gulf of Mexico. I think the gun pointing at the map is symbolizing suicide as that is a willful decision to do something, and ignoring our planet is willfully killing it.


  1. I like your analysis and it is seems that we are slowly killing planet Earth. People want progress and do not think about what damage it may cause. It seems that the economic progress and technology, is at the expense of the planet Earth.

  2. Good point, I analyzed this same visual argument and had a slightly different perspective on the ad. It is interesting how individuals view things differently. It doesn't make one person's opinion wrong or right; it is just what makes all of us different. Accepting diversity is what helps an individual be an effective leader. Taking everyone's diversity and utilizing it for a common cause makes a great leader. Not accepting diversity is what keeps people's minds closed to new experiences and opportunities.
